I went to NCI on Saturday. While I didn't enter any tournaments for a few reasons (broke, headache, generally don't care), I did finally get my stick back. The first order of business?
The most important mod you can do to your stick. |
Perhaps koogy and haunts will appreciate the free advertising, even if it means sharing space with a 90's skater brand that features ANIME GIRLS. |
Speaking of which, I did play one match of KOFXIII on Saturday — though I really didn't want to — and I paid for it dearly. I really hate going in to that game cold, lol. You think you're okay, and then the other guy does a fucking EX DP; and even if you manage to safe jump, you miss the fucking HD activation link (which isn't even hard, lol). Console release really can't come soon enough.
Now that I'm back home, I must say it's nice to be able to practice GG again. Even if I'm not really going to play the game for much longer, it's still therapeutic to be able to go back and grind training mode; I can't tell you how many lazy summer days going back to 2008 I've spent doing just that. Oh, and I'm learning a new character. I think I've already told one person, but I'll just give you the hint that he covers my two most hated matchups.
I might go back and edit that last entry tonight, maybe tomorrow. I don't know. It was something I wanted to do at the time, but now that I'm writing more important articles it's taken a back seat. If only that wretched site wasn't down when I was about to sit down and do it. Oh well.
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