I might not be so bad at this game anymore.
It started when I played against a Kensou player in XIII. I lost all of our matches, but afterwards he told me that if I had used anti-air 5A more, I probably could have won.
That's when it clicked: I had been ignoring tools that I had previously taken for granted.
Forgetting obvious shit is probably the most frustrating wall you can hit as a player; when you over commit to 2C/DP when you could have 5A'd, when you hyper hop for a safe jump setup only to get hit because you're supposed to short hop, etc. I guess that's what happens when you focus on improving one aspect of your game for too long. But once you sit down and re-evaluate how you're playing, you realize just how easy it is to get better.
At this point, most of my losses in XIII are due to not having any matchup experience. I'm losing to people who aren't any better than I am when I should be destroying them. So, I'm gonna make it to Southtown one of these days. Keep an eye out, you may even see me on stream.
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