Saturday, February 15, 2014

Remembering The Past

Self reflection is a worthwhile endeavor (in moderation, of course).

Today's self reflection came in the form of a video YouTube recommended to me. It's a video I'd seen before, in a time and place very different from here and now. It was the video that made me want to play Guilty Gear, and subsequently sent me down a path that has led me to a point I never would have imagined myself at.

In hindsight, this match really isn't as impressive as it is notably ridiculous; but back in 2007, I didn't know any better, nor care. The sheer style that oozes from every second of this video was enough to have me hooked.

I've still a ways to go; but all things considered, it's pretty remarkable how far I've come since then. Things like this reinvigorate motivation in the face of all that works to waver it.

(That might be worth remembering when you read my next post)